The Lumineers: Brightside World Tour Impact Report
$750,000+ RAISED
Since 2019, The Lumineers have partnered with REVERB to reduce their tours’ environmental footprint, engage fans to take climate action, and support nonprofit organizations & climate projects.
Together, along with our partners at ACTIVIST, we’re creating lasting, meaningful impact for people and the planet on tour and beyond.

Fan Engagement
The Lumineers Action Village
Each night on the Brightside World Tour, fans took meaningful action for people and the planet with REVERB in The Lumineers Action Village. In all, fans took over 47,000 ACTIONS.
- 4,348 Donations for a custom Lumineers reusable Nalgene bottle*
- 23,000+ Fill-ups at REVERB’s free water refill stations
- 32,000+ Single-use bottles were avoided by fans
- 2,587 Fan Travel Survey submissions to help us learn more about fan travel habits and their associated carbon footprints
- 1,978 Music Climate Revolution Climate Quiz participants
- 1,585 Voter registrations with HeadCount
- $71,000 Raised to support nonprofits and climate projects
*North America Only

Fan Engagement
Nonprofit Support
At each show on the Brightside World Tour, The Lumineers and REVERB hosted nonprofit organizations that are working to create positive change for people and the planet. The nonprofits ranged from local to international focusing on environmental issues, food insecurity, homelessness, addiction recovery and much more.
In each city the tour visited, the band selected a local environmental nonprofit beneficiary to be highlighted in the Eco-Village and receive a $5,000 grant to support their work. Any selected organizations that were unable to be at a show received $1,000 in support.
The Lumineers also donated $80,000 to support MusicCares, an organization that provides a safety net supporting the health and welfare of the music community.
- 26 Nonprofit Organizations hosted at shows
- 51 Nonprofit activations supported
- 3,921 Fan Actions

Tour Greening
Single-Use Plastic Reduction & Elimination
52,000+ SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES WERE AVOIDED on this tour by artists, crew, and fans.
- Water Refill Stations set up for artists and crew backstage, in catering and on buses, and in main concourses for fans
- Reusable Water Bottles and Insulated Mugs provided for artists and crew
- Custom #RockNRefill Reusable Nalgene Bottles available to fans for donation. 100% of donations supported nonprofits and climate projects.
- Advance calls with venues led to 92% allowing fans to bring reusable water bottles
- Reusable or Compostable Serviceware used in catering and tour buses

Tour Greening
REVERB connected with venues prior to the tour to support existing on-site sustainability efforts, discuss enhancements, and optimize plans to achieve best possible results
- Water Refill Stations backstage and for fans*
- Sustainable Food: 88% of venues offered vegan entrees in concessions
- Plastic Reductions: 88% of venues committed to reducing single-use plastic including:
eliminating double-pours • no plastic bags • straws only available upon request • carrying non-plastic water containers in concessions - Recycling: 97% of venues offered recycling backstage and for fans. REVERB ensured recycling was available backstage at every stop!
- Compost: 42% of venues offered composting
- 78% of venues eliminated printing single-use signage for the tour
*North America only

Tour Greening
Additional Tour Sustainability Efforts
- Enhanced Recycling and Composting
- Excess catering food collected and donated*
- Battery Reclamation & Donation:
• Usable batteries donated to shelters
• Dead batteries properly recycled - Unused Hotel Toiletries Donated to shelters (otherwise they end up in landfills)
*Select Shows, North America Only

Tour Greening
Greenhouse Gas Reductions & Measurement
After all the above efforts were made to reduce the environmental footprint of the tour, remaining carbon emissions from major sources were calculated including:
- Band + Crew Travel
- Equipment Transport and Shipping
- Venue Energy Use
- Hotel Stays
- Fan Travel

Tour Greening
Addressing the Climate Crisis
12,875 Tonnes of CO2e Neutralized
$210,000+ Dedicated to Climate Organizations & Projects
As part of their climate commitment as Music Climate Revolution partners, The Lumineers dedicated a portion of ticket sales to help fund diverse initiatives that measurably reduce greenhouse gases and support projects that address climate justice and accelerate the decarbonization of the music industry.
The total amount of neutralized greenhouse gases (measured as CO2e) significantly exceeds the total estimated emissions of the The Brightside World Tour as outlined above. This is equivalent to taking over 2,500 homes off the grid for a year. (source: EPA)
This tour’s climate project portfolio is designed to support measurable, lasting greenhouse gas reductions and generate positive climate results across diverse communities and areas of impact with the goal of addressing the complex challenges of the climate crisis.

Greenhouse Gas Reductions & Climate Justice
Kenya Solar Water Farms
GivePower’s Solar-powered water desalination plants provide clean drinking water to communities that rely on boiling water to make it potable. Providing clean drinking water reduces the burning of wood and coal for water purification and enables young women in the community to attend school or work rather than spending hours carrying drinking water to their homes.

Methane Emissions Avoidance
Biodigesters in Mexico
In partnership with Native Energy, this project helps build and install simple biodigester units for subsistence farmers in Mexico. These units break down animal waste yielding gas that powers biogas cookstoves and water heaters as well as farm-generated fertilizer. This helps avoid methane emissions, improves air quality, and provides an alternative to expensive and harmful chemical fertilizers.

Climate Justice & Clean Energy
Hozho Homes
The Hozho Homes Program provides Hopi & Navajo families access to off-grid solar photovoltaic systems. The program also supports a workforce development program that will train Native American solar installers to build and maintain off-grid PV systems, create jobs and prepare installers to work with grid-tied projects nationwide.

Research & Development
Decarbonizing Music
Music Decarbonization Project advances innovative climate solutions to directly eliminate carbon emissions created by the music industry.Funding from this project helps develop and promote the necessary shift toward increased efficiency, expanding clean energy options, and reducing greenhouse gas pollution with a focus on the unique climate challenges of music.

Energy Efficient Manufacturing
Green Bricks
The Green Bricks project produces environmentally-friendly bricks and concrete blocks using renewable local biomass and waste materials like fly ash from thermal power plants. It promotes the use of low-carbon materials and the recycling of waste materials to reduce the environmental impact of building construction. The project has been validated and verified to the Verified Carbon Standard, confirming the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional clay bricks.

Clean Energy
Sky Wind India
The Sky Wind Project is a 96 MW wind project located in a rural area of Maharashtra, India. The power produced from the project displaces an equivalent amount of power from the grid, which is fed mainly by fossil fuel fired power plants, and is considered a “dirty grid.” Each year this project reduces 135,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
Thank You!
We want to thank everyone that made this tour so impactful for people and the planet, especially
The Lumineers
Activist Artists Management
Bernie Cahill
Kristina “Red” Tanner
REVERB On-site Coordinator, Mercy Gold
REVERB Volunteers
Nonprofit Partners
All the Fans that took action with us!