Reverb Our Work Tours & Artists

The Joyful Tour 2018

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Empowering People with Disabilities and Working Toward a More Sustainable Future

REVERB partnered with X Ambassadors on the Joyful Tour helping the band in their efforts to support people with disabilities and reducing their environmental footprint.

Impact Results

  • 1,274 total fan actions
  • $4,750 raised for local nonprofits
  • 19 Nonprofit organizations supported at shows

See the full Impact Report below:

REVERB and X Ambassadors have worked together since 2015 when the band was part of our Campus Consciousness Tour. As the band has grown in popularity since their first hit “Renegades,” their efforts to use their music as a force for positive change has grown, as well.

In 2018, we headed out as part of the band’s Joyful Tour, supporting groups throughout the country that work toward creating a better world for people with disabilities. We also helped the band reduce their environmental footprint on the road by doing things like reducing the use of single-use plastic bottles, recycling batteries, making sure everything in catering is reusable, and keeping the buses stocked with eco-friendly products.

Fans did their part to help by supporting the nonprofit groups each and picking up a custom #RockNRefill Nalgene bottle to help us ditch disposables.

At Every Show

  • #RockNRefill

  • Backstage Greening

  • Nonprofits

  • Prizes

  • Volunteers

Artist Details

  • X Ambassadors