Reverb Music Climate Revolution Take Action Fan & Individual Climate Actions

Music Climate Revolution Action: End Fast Fashion





Look Good, Do Good

Sustainability Never Goes Out of Style

The term “fast fashion” refers to trendy clothing that’s cheaply made (often in bad conditions), cheaply sold, and quickly discarded. It’s a huge industry with a big environmental footprint.


It’s time to put an end to fast fashion. Check out the info below to see how you reduce your fashion footprint!

Purchase with the Planet In Mind

Buy Smart. Buy Less.

So we’ve established that clothes have an impact on the environment, but we also know that they’re a necessary part of life. So what’s a person to do?! Well, it’s pretty simple really: Buy less. Buy smart.

There are many ways to update your closet without buying something brand new. Try shopping at second hand stores, hosting a clothing swap with friends, or using clothing rental services like Rent the Runway or Le Tote

When you do need to buy something new, consider supporting one of many sustainable clothing brands that are committed to environmental and social good. 

Make A Lasting Impression

Help Your Clothes Last Longer

Make the clothing you buy last longer! Check out THESE TIPS from Good on You about making your clothing endure the tests of time.

Washing your clothes less often is one great way to help ensure they last a long time while protecting the planet! Not only do washing machines use up large amounts of water and energy, but they also release microfibers from our clothing into the ocean. So try to get as many wears out of your clothing as possible before throwing them in the wash.

When you do wash your clothes, use cold water. 90% of the energy used by washing machines goes toward heating the water. Air dry if you can!

Be In The Know

Learn More About Fast Fashion

Learn more about this problem and inform your family and friends!

Check out this powerful documentary, THE TRUE COST (available on Netflix). The film explores the environmental and human toll of fast fashion, urging consumers to consider the roughly 40 million garment workers around the globe who face exploitation, brutal working conditions, and human rights violations.

And read up on the issue! Take a look at this LIST OF BOOKS ON THE SUBJECT!

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