Reverb Our Work Tours & Artists

Tyler Childers Mule Pull ’24


Tyler Childers and REVERB are partnering on the Mule Pull ’24 Tour to take action on important environmental and social issues and reduce the footprint of touring


Action Village

The Tyler Childers REVERB Action Village will be in the main concourse at every show on the Mule Pull ’24 Tour with opportunities for fans to take part in creating positive impacts on tour

  • ROCKNREFILL Fight single-use plastic waste by donating for a custom Tyler Childers reusable Nalgene water bottle and fill up for FREE at REVERB’s water refill stations
  • MUSIC CLIMATE REVOLUTION Take the Food Quiz to test your knowledge about food’s impact on the climate and how you can reduce your “food-print”
  • REGISTER TO VOTE Use your voice and your vote! Visit HeadCount to get registered or check your registration
  • HICKMAN HOLLER APPALACHIAN RELIEF FUND Support and learn more about the nonprofit founded by Tyler and Senora May
  • CONNECT WITH LOCAL NONPROFITS Meet local nonprofits creating positive impacts in your community

Tour Sustainability

Working directly with Tyler and his team, REVERB is helping meet the sustainability goals of the tour and reduce the environmental footprint of touring

Waste Reduction
  • Reusable water bottles and insulated mugs for artists and crew
  • Reusable or compostable service ware in catering and on buses
  • Water refill stations throughout backstage area, catering, and on tour buses
Waste Diversion
  • Recycling: Backstage, in offices and catering, and on tour buses
  • Battery Reclamation and Recycling: Collecting dead batteries for recycling and donating batteries with remaining power to people in need
  • Food Donations*: Excess food from catering donated to local food security organizations with partners, Musically Fed *in select markets
  • Toiletry Donations: Collecting unused toiletries from hotel stays that would otherwise be thrown away and donating to local shelters
Additional Steps
  • Green Cleaning Products for backstage, offices, catering, and tour buses
Addressing Carbon Emissions
    Measure CO2e from band and crew travel, shipping, gear transport, hotel stays, venue energy usage, and more
    In acknowledgement of the climate impacts of touring, Tyler Childers is supporting REVERB’s Climate Project Portfolio. This portfolio is designed to fund verified greenhouse gas reductions to neutralize measured emissions, address climate justice, strengthen communities facing the worst impacts of the warming planet, support organizations taking important climate action, and advance decarbonization efforts in the music industry.

Tyler Childers Mule Pull '24 Tour


At Every Show

  • #RockNRefill

  • Action Village

  • Backstage Greening

  • Community Support

  • Music Climate Revolution

  • Nonprofits

  • Volunteers

  • Water Station

Artist Details

  • Tyler Childers