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REVERB’s Farm-to-Stage Program

Eating Local and Supporting Communities on Tour

REVERB’s Farm-to-Stage program has supported thousands of family farms

As part of REVERB’s work greening musicians’ tours, we source local farm food for tour catering through our Farm-To-Stage program. Farm-To-Stage supports thousands of family farmers across the country, reduces emissions related to transporting ingredients, and puts dollars back into local economies. Not to mention, bands and crews get to enjoy tastier, healthier meals on the road.

farm-logo_smallVernon Family Farms participated in the Farm-To-Stage program during Dave Matthews Band’s 2018 tour. As diehard Dave Matthews fans, they were thrilled to supply chicken (or meat-birds, as they affectionately call them), veggies, and mushrooms for the band and crew. After the tour, they noticed an uptick of new customers who came to the farm after learning of their relationship with Dave Matthews Band. “The ripple effect was so real,” said Nicole Vernon.

The Vernons are fixtures in their New Hampshire community. They encourage customers to visit local farmers to learn how their food is grown and get to know the people growing it.

“The wealth of quality goods that you can get locally is pretty astounding,” Jeremiah Vernon said. “People don’t realize how much is actually grown within a hundred miles of their home.”

REVERB is proud to support family farmers like the Vernons. Watch the video to learn more about them and the Farm-To-Stage program: