
Vampire Energy Waste


Don’t Be a Sucker!

unplugIt’s as scary as it sounds! Vampire energy, also called standby energy, refers to the power consumed by appliances and other home electronics when they’re not in use.

By some estimates, vampire energy waste accounts for 10% of the total residential energy used in the United States. This wasted energy also accounts for about 1% of the world’s CO2 emissions. (Berkley Lab)

But don’t worry, you don’t need any garlic or wooden stakes to slay this vampire. All you need is a little bit of knowledge and the determination to reduce your carbon footprint.

Check out the info below and put an end to vampire energy waste in your house today!

The average household has 25 – 40 electronic devices plugged in at any given time, but many of these aren’t in use on a daily basis. Unplugging gadgets that aren’t being used will significantly reduce your energy use!

Take a look at this helpful room-by-room guide to consider the energy vampires that may be hiding in plain sight (e.g. the alarm clock in the guest room, chargers that aren’t in use, your coffee machine).

Instead of unplugging individual devices, you can also use smart power strips that automatically cut off power when devices aren’t in use. 

Take on vampire energy waste outside of your home – bring your efforts to the office!

graphic-designer-workplace_23-2147528606Make a plan with your coworkers to turn off all computers, photocopiers, printers, and scanners at night. Using power strips will make this a quick and easy part of the end-of-day routine.

During the day, keep your computers on sleep/hibernate mode to make sure they don’t continue drawing power while you’re away from your desk at a long meeting or lunch break.

…Energy! When it comes time to replace old or broken electronics, consider investing in more energy-efficient options.

Energy Star has compiled a list of 2019’s most efficient products, from washing machines to computer monitors to ceiling fans. Though you may pay more for these products upfront, you can expect consistently lower energy bills for years to come!