Tyler Childers Mule Pull ’24 Tour
33,000+ Fan Actions
For People and the Planet
35,000+ Single-Use Bottles Avoided at Shows
By Artists, Crew, and Fans

Fan Action
Action Village
Throughout the Mule Pull ’24 Tour, fans were invited to take action on important social and environmental causes supported by Tyler Childers at the REVERB Action Village.
Fan took 33,310 Actions for people and planet on the tour including:
- 2,444 Music Climate Revolution Food Quiz Participants
- 4,086 Voter actions with HeadCount
- 1,737 Donations for reusable Nalgene RockNRefill Bottles
All proceeds raised by the bottles support nonprofit organizations - 347 Actions with Healing Appalachia
- 452 Actions with local nonprofit groups

Fan Action
Nonprofit Support
Local nonprofits were invited to join the Tyler Childers Action Village throughout the tour. In all, 16 local organizations connected with fans with offering them opportunities to learn about their work and participate in meaningful volunteer activities.
Hickman Holler Appalachian Relief Fund also had a presence in the Village. The fund was founded in 2020 by Senora May and Tyler Childers to bring awareness and financial support for philanthropic efforts in the Appalachian Region.
In addition, groups supporting sober fans were at most shows, offering set break meetings and more.

Tour Sustainability
Single-Use Plastic Reductions
35,055 SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES WERE AVOIDED on this tour by artists, crew, and fans.
- Water Refill Stations set up for artists and crew backstage, in catering and on buses, and in main concourses for fans
- Reusable Water Bottles and Insulated Mugs provided for artists and crew
- Custom #RockNRefill Reusable Nalgene Bottles available to fans for donation
100% of donations supported nonprofits and climate projects - Reusable or Compostable Serviceware used in catering and tour buses

Tour Sustainability
REVERB connected with venues prior to the tour to support existing on-site sustainability efforts, discuss enhancements, and optimize plans to achieve best possible results
- Water Refill Stations backstage and for fans
87% of venues had their own water stations for fans - Sustainable Food: 100% of venues offered plant-based entrees in concessions
- Plastic Reductions: 26% of venues committed to reducing single-use plastic including:
eliminating plastic cups in concessions • no plastic bags • paper straws only available upon request • carrying non-plastic water containers and serviceware in concessions - Recycling: 91% of venues offered recycling for fans and backstage*
*REVERB ensured recycling was available backstage at all shows

Tour Sustainability
Additional Sustainability Efforts
- Enhanced Recycling and Composting
- 340 Pounds of excess catering food collected and donated with partners at Musically Fed* *Select shows
- Battery Reclamation & Donation:
• Usable batteries donated to shelters
• Dead batteries properly recycled - Unused Hotel Toiletries Donated to shelters (otherwise they end up in landfills)