Local foods. Local farms. Global Impact.

Supporting local agriculture has profound effects on the health of our selves, our communities and our planet. REVERB’s Farm-to-Family and Farm-to-Stage programs were developed to support local farmers through the purchase of seasonal fresh products for concert catering or CSA shares that benefit families in need.
The REVERB Farm-to-Family program supports local, community-scale farms and hungry families in need across the country. Farm-to-Family raises donations via fan actions at shows that are used to purchase CSA shares from local farms for community food-banks. The purchase of farm shares supports community-scale farms with valuable capital for the next growing season and provides high quality, local produce to needy families who don’t otherwise have access to it. This program leaves a lasting positive impact long after a tour has left a community, shedding light on the issue of hunger, helping families in need and supporting local, sustainable agriculture.
Farm-to-Stage was the first local agriculture program REVERB developed and has been implemented on many of our tours. This program connects local farmers and artisans with tour chefs and local caterers putting local ingredients on the plates of artists and their crew in every community they visit. This practice reduces the amount of fuel and the associated emissions related to the transport of food items across the country or the world and puts dollars back into local economies while supporting community-scale agriculture.